Senator Ted Stevens touts the book "America Alone"--should Alaska's Muslim Community (and everyone else) take notice?
They were impressed with my abilities and tickled at the thought of having a child in the house again. It really looked like this was going somewhere. As a proud mama, I decided to send them a picture of Morrigan and I together.
That evening, I received a curt (at first) phone call saying they were no longer interested in my services. I was stunned and couldn't understand what was happening. I thought perhaps I had said something, that they thought I looked unprofessional (not thin enough) and was so baffled that I kept pushing for an answer.
I was told that they could not hire someone who was "a traitor to her race." I was one of the folks responsible for creating "the mud people" and therefore was "a mud person" myself, which meant that I was a few other choice words as well (mostly regarding my sexual practices). I was so stunned (after yelling numerous accusations about his heritage, his manhood, his IQ and the present location of his head) that it took the "off the hook" sound on my phone to remind me to hang it up.
One of the things that surprised me so much was that these folks were originally from the UK. However, after research I discovered that there was a strong undercurrent of anti-immigration-turned-racism happening in in the UK and the rest of Europe.
Enter Ted Stevens, with one of his "Grandfather Simpson" style rantings when he was asked about his stance on Real ID and the Patriot Act (he's for both of them) and was told about opponent Mark Begich's stance against them.
(7:48 on the video)
"Read the book "America Alone." A lot of people complain about that book...look at the demographic concepts of that book and just think about what's going on in the world and decide whether we want to become Italy or we want to become..."Wait for it...

"...France, in terms of our society and how it's impacted by those who are really against us."So, according to Mark Steyn's book "America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It," what does happen to Italy and France?
I went out and actually bought the book and started reading. However, I also discovered that an excellent review by UK journalist, Johann Hari summed it up nicely:
'America Alone' is a guidebook to a continent called Eurabia in the year 2020. Its old European shell looks familiar; "most of" the old Cathedrals and boulevards "still stand" in Rome and London and Paris. But the Islamic National Republican Coalition has just won the French elections - only the latest nation-sized domino to fall to the Islamists. Alcohol is already banned in the Netherlands and Denmark. The continent's women are veiled. The gay clubs are long since shut and shuttered, "relocated to San Francisco."At least he gave the gays San Francisco.
The "mass evacuations" of white people began five years ago, as the "supposedly Greater France" began "remorselessly evolving month by month into Greater Bosnia." As they flee, the last Europeans curse the memory of mass immigration and multiculturalism. They now realise that 7/7 and France's 2006 car-burning banlieues were merely "the first stage of the Eurabian civil war." The continent that defined modernity is condemned to "societal collapse, fascist revivalism" and a descent into "the long Eurabian night." America is left alone, the last country to resist being "reprimitivized"...
And how do we resist? Because we have guns, you see. Guns will be the thing that saves us all in the long run from fanatic Islam, which supposedly becomes the goal of ALL Muslims rather than just the small percentage every person educated in Middle East politics tells us exists.
Here's where we get to Steven's "demographics" part:
...Steyn's story is - very loosely - based on demographics. His argument is simple. Europe's "white" population (a label he initially shies away from, but later embraces) is having fewer and fewer children. So to keep their social democratic economies spinning, these Europeans are importing Muslim immigrants - who are breeding rapidly. Although he offers no statistics on the European Muslim birthrate, he warns ominously that the most popular baby's name in Rotterdam is now Mohammed. This generation of young Muslims will represent "a literal baby boom". He asks sceptically, "Can the developed world get more Muslim in its demographic character without becoming more Muslim in its political character?" No. Because the "European races too self-absorbed to breed," they are unwittingly catalysing the "the recolonization of Europe by Islam."So basically, the "demographics" that Ted Stevens mentioned forbodingly are as Phil Munger states a little more bluntly in his post title on Progressive Alaska; Steyn wants white folks to have more babies because (according to Steyn) the evil Muslim folks (did we mention they are mostly brown?) are multiplying like rabbits as part of a conspiracy to take over Europe and then the world.
An unassimilated, culturally confident Muslim mass will slowly become the majority, and demand the demoralised multicultural "natives" integrate with them. At times, Steyn implies this shift is the result of a conscious political conspiracy. Orianna Fallacci - whose "bravery" he praises - said that Muslims "have been told to come here and breed like rats." Steyn skirts close to his, warning: "Today, a fearless Muslim advance has penetrated far deeper into Europe than Abd al-Rahman... There are three strategies Islam deploys against a dying West: first, demography; second, conversion; and third, the murky 'intertwining' of modern technology and ancient hatreds."
And this is the completely-devoid-of-any-scientific-research-tripe that neo-cons like Dick Cheney and now Ted Stevens are openly touting as their influence for actual domestic and foreign policy strategy!
Now, I'm not someone who is going to randomly cry "racism" and cast the evil eye on everyone who might say something stupid. I was one of the folks who, while denouncing the Clintons and their surrogates for "race-baiting," did not confuse their sad opportunism with racism.
However, this book and these "demographics" being discussed in the most powerful offices in the land are ABSOLUTELY related to the old-fashioned "mud people" argument laid out 100-200 years ago by the KKK. The KKK (and later other "white pride" or "neo-nazi" groups) insinuated that black men specifically wanted to get white women pregnant so that the "mud people" could take over. They use the same stereotypes on "Muslims" that they've used on every other minority in the world. The worst false accusation is casting all Muslims in the same light with Osama Bin Ladin.
The sad fact is that Ted Stevens actually used the word "demographics" in his description of the book during the press conference, so he obviously knows exactly what it says.
Is this just one more thing for which the media will refuse to hold him accountable?
Labels: America Alone, Dick Cheney, Mark Begich, Mark Steyn, mud people, Muslim, Osama, Patriot Act, racism, Real ID, Ted Stevens