Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis has moved!!!!!!
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A whistleblower is coming forth against John and Cindy McCain, and the picture he is painting is not a pretty one. You've probably heard about Cindy McCain stealing prescription drugs from her charity in the 1990s. Today, Tom Gosinski, her former employee and a close friend of the McCain's, came out on the record about the entire sordid episode. And it appears that McCain used his Senate staff and resources to cover up Cindy's drug use, and potentially to prevent the Drug Enforcement Agency from investigating his wife's theft of illegal prescription drugs. John McCain certainly used his political connections to begin a campaign of intimidation against Gosinski, because at the time - this was after the Keating 5 scandal - another major scandal would have derailed his career. Gosinski stayed quiet out of fear until today; a recent fight with cancer has strengthened his resolve. As he told me today, if he can beat cancer, he can go on the record regarding how the McCain's do business.
Labels: Cindy McCain, DEA, drug addict, John McCain, whistleblower
As noted below, the McCain campaign has a new ad out designed to portray Obama as a predator and Sarah Palin as prey by pointing to 30 opposition researchers that the Obama team allegedly sent to Alaska to savage her.
Of course, the article that the ad references doesn't say Obama sent them -- it actually says Democrats sent them.
But the Democratic National Committee's chief of research, Mike Gehrke, tells me that the DNC hasn't sent a single researcher to Alaska. "Zero," Gehrke says.
Thanks for the plug, but could you please pick a better picture of me! ; )
I never said McCain folks are coming to Alaska to investigate Palin and "Troopergate"! That is hilarious!
What I did say is that Obama political snoops just came up to Alaska to dig dirt on Palin and were going to be looking into the "Troopergate" allegations and anything else they can find.
Good luck running down more rumors and gossip.
Labels: air drop, Alaska, Barack Obama, DNC, Governor Sarah Palin, John McCain, lawyers, McHugh Pierre, research, vetting process
While I trust my sources, I don't have enough independent information to nail this. So I'll drop my editorial based on this and just offer the basic allegation.
Four high school students were arrested for vandalizing school buses in Wasilla in 2005.Troopers did not release names of the juvenile suspects, but David Coon's mother confirmed her son was one of two Burchell High School students involved in the incident. The other two boys are Wasilla High School students.We also have this story from Detroit's Free Press:Her oldest son, Track, lived in Portage [Michigan] during most of his senior year in high school. He played junior major hockey. During an interview at the National Governors Association conference in 2007, she told a Free Press reporter that her son went back to Alaska in March to graduate with his class.The story I was told is that Track Palin was one of them and that he chose to enter the army rather than go to jail (or have a record?).
The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively that Sarah's oldest son, Track, was addicted to the power drug OxyContin for nearly the past two years, snorting it, eating it, smoking it and even injecting it. And as Track, 19, heads to Iraq as part of the U.S. armed forces, Sarah and her husband Todd were powerless to stop his wild antics, detailed in the new issue of The ENQUIRER, which goes on sale today.Of course, that was only the part about Track Palin, there is still the Bristol chapter:
THE ENQUIRER also has exclusive details about Track's use of other drugs, including cocaine, and his involvement in a notorious local vandalism incident.
“Bristol was a huge stoner and drinker. I’ve seen her smoke pot and get drunk and make out with so many guys. All the guys would brag that the just made out with Bristol.”And here's the money quote:
When Sarah found out the teen was pregnant by high schooler Levi Johnston, she was actually banished from the house. As part of the cover-up, Palin quickly transferred Bristol to another high school and made her move in with Sarah’s sister Heather 25 miles away!
The friend also confided that both Bristol and Levi “broke up a few times and they definitely messed around with other people.”Moving on from the Palin family to the McPalin family values in action...
This latest attack takes Obama's support of preventing sexual abuse of children as "teaching sex ed to kindergartners."So does McCain think that supporting high school anatomy classes is the equivalent of promoting pornography?
I worked with young children (before they reached kindergarten!) for five years, and one of the things that was very important to teach them the difference about was "good touch, bad touch" and how to recognize predators.
McCain's assertion that they would know "sex ed" before reading, is somewhat true, but not because Obama is in support of abuse prevention. In actuality, there are far, far too many children who will be sexually abused before they learn to read, and they will know far too much, far too early. Children who know the basics of recognizing a predator are more likely to speak up, and prevent the abuse in the first place, or report an offender to prevent him from further abuse.
“I pledge to you that if we are elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House.”So we're supposed to believe, Governor Palin, that the child that sprung forth from your uterus has completely changed your mind set regarding the priority of disabled children in your budget plan? Does this mean that as soon as you get the opportunity you will call an emergency session of the Legislature to make sure that $45 mil is allocated?
It sounded fantastic, and rang true coming from the mother of a child with a disability.
But the declaration was a revelation to some legislators who’ve worked with Governor Palin for the last 21 months.
“I can tell you she wasn’t a champion for disabled children as governor,” says state Senator Bill Wielechowski (D-Anchorage). “I was surprised to hear her say that in her speech.”
The state of Alaska has what’s called a “Developmental Disabilities Waiting List,” a list of individuals whose needs qualify them for assistance, but that the state doesn’t have adequate funding to help. At the time of the most recent report, issued in December 2007, the list had 943 individuals on it. The report estimates that it would cost nearly $45 million to provide the services those on the waiting list need. Estimates vary, but most place the state’s budget surplus at about $5 billion.
Labels: Alaska Legislature, Army, Barack Obama, Bristol Palin, disability, drugs, Iraq, jail, John McCain, lipstick, National Enquirer, pig, Sarah Palin, Sen. Bill Wielechowski, sex, Track Palin, vandalism
Labels: ban books, dinosaurs, folksy, Governor Sarah Palin, hockey mom, Matt Damon, nuclear codes, Putin
Labels: Alaska, Frank Bailey, Governor Sarah Palin, Governor Tony Knowles, John McCain, Ketchikan, Mayor Bob Weinstein, Troopergate
On Saturday morning, PFLAG families, supporters and allies will come together in Anchorage, Alaska as Love Won Out brings its so-called "ex-gay" conference to our 49th state. PFLAGers will gather outside the conference to offer support for youth attending and information for parents and families.
"Families never win at Love Won Out," said Jane Schlittler, president of PFLAG's Anchorage, Alaska chapter. "The conference's organizers maliciously target often well-meaning parents who are dealing with a difficult issue in their lives, and in the process put their kids' well-being at risk. Make no mistake: There is far more 'preying' than 'praying' taking place at these meetings, and far more harming than healing in the doctrine of Love Won Out."
Programs such as Love Won Out, which is a project of the far-right American Family Association, use out-moded medical theories and radical religious beliefs to justify trying to alter gay and lesbian people's natural sexual orientation.
"Programs like Love Won Out are dangerous for kids and divisive for families," said PFLAG National executive director Jody M. Huckaby. "Every bit of evidence available suggests that children who grow up in homes that accept them – and not try to change them – are far happier and healthier than those subjected to these anti-family tactics. It is nothing short of extremist to imply that families should do anything other than love their children as they are, and nothing short of outrageous to infer that LGBT kids aren't fine just the way they are."
NEWSTALK 1080am KUDO, Alaska's Progressive Voice is pleased to announce:
America's premiere progressive talk show host, Ed Schultz, is coming to Alaska to host a town hall meeting!
Now that she has been chosen by Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain to be his running mate, Big Eddie wants to learn everything he can about Governor Sarah Palin. He also wants to learn about Alaska... from its history, to its people, to its issues.
The town hall meeting will take place on Saturday, September 13, 2008, from 7 to 10pm at The Wendy Williamson Auditorium at the University of Alaska Anchorage.
The event will be recorded and played back Monday, September 15th on all of Schultz’s national affiliates coast to coast.
Labels: Abbott Loop Community Church, CC, Ed Schultz, Ex-Gay, Focus on the Family, Governor Sarah Palin, KUDO 1080, LGBT, Love Won Out, PFLAG, Pray your Gay Away, Truth Won Out, Wasilla Bible Church
Labels: DNC, Internet, series of tubes, social networking programs, tweet, Twitter
...lending giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had "gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers." The companies, as McClatchy reported, "aren't taxpayer funded but operate as private companies...
...Economists and analysts pounced on the misstatement, which came before the government had spent funds baling the two entities out, saying it demonstrated a lack of understanding about one of the key economic issues likely to face the next administration.
"You would like to think that someone who is going to be vice president and conceivable president would know what Fannie and Freddie do," said Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research. "These are huge institutions and they are absolutely central to our country's mortgage debt. To not have a clue what they do doesn't speak well for her, I'd say."
Gov. Tony Knowles recently signed legislation protecting victims of sexual assault from being billed for tests to collect evidence of the crime, but one local police chief said the new law will further burden taxpayers.
The governor signed House Bill 270, sponsored by Rep. Eric Croft, D-Anchorage, outside the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) exam room at Alaska Regional Hospital. In attendance at the signing were members of victims advocate groups, law enforcement agencies and legislators.
The new law makes it illegal for any law enforcement agency to bill victims or victims insurance companies for the costs of examinations that take place to collect evidence of a sexual assault or determine if a sexual assault did occur....
While the Alaska State Troopers and most municipal police agencies have covered the cost of exams, which cost between $300 to $1,200 apiece, the Wasilla police department does charge the victims of sexual assault for the tests.
Wasilla Police Chief Charlie Fannon does not agree with the new legislation, saying the law will require the city and communities to come up with more funds to cover the costs of the forensic exams.
In the past weve charged the cost of exams to the victims insurance company when possible. I just dont want to see any more burden put on the taxpayer, Fannon said.
According to Fannon, the new law will cost the Wasilla Police Department approximately $5,000 to $14,000 a year to collect evidence for sexual assault cases.
Labels: Alaska, Bridge to Nowhere, Charlie Fannon, Eric Croft, Governor Sarah Palin, Governor Tony Knowles, John McCain, Mayor of Wasilla, pay for their own rape kits, pork, rape victims, signed law
Labels: Barack Obama, Governor Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, PUMA, racist
I just received a copy of the full text of the Kilkenny letter that was referenced in the Anchorage Daily News article today. It is very thorough and puts words to some of the discomfort I feel about Governor Palin's meteoric rise to power. I don't know Ann Kilkenny, but I do know that her recount of events rings true by virtue of other things I have heard here in Alaska political circles.
I would like to see Governor Palin put in a full four years as Alaska's Governor to see if she can sustain progress (and popularity) over time. She has never held any job for that length of time (being Mayor of a small town and hiring a city administrator to do the work doesn't count). There are some red flags about her leadership and serious questions about her experience -- she will paint a pretty picture but should be questioned thoroughly on her rendition of the truth. I applaud the effort of Ann Kilkenny in raising some of those questions.
Judy Salo (Former State Senator, D for Kenai and South Anchorage)
Labels: Alaska, Anne Killkenny, fear, Governor Sarah Palin, John McCain, Judy Salo, Mayor of Wasilla