Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis: After over three and 1/2 years on this blog, I'm now moderating comments

Monday, September 08, 2008

After over three and 1/2 years on this blog, I'm now moderating comments

Sorry to the 95% of the folks who are excellent readers and posters, the other 5% pushed my patience too far.


Blogger Chris said...

This is something else you can love Palin for, perhaps. You're lucky enough to get put firmly in the national spotlight (with the associated trolls) thanks to a cynical Repeblican ploy. Cherish it *cough*

Unless i'm that 5%, in which case I count being Australian as carte blanche for being snide and sarcastic =D

9/08/2008 10:58 PM  
Blogger clark said...

i'm going to come back here tomorrow and see what you've done with this. go get 'em sister!

9/08/2008 11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So typically left wing of you! From what I've read on here no one has gotten rude, crude or socially unacceptable. The few who do disagree just state how they see things.
Heaven help us all if your ilk ever gets into power. You will make the KGB, The Third Reich and China and by your accounts, the Bush Administration look like a Kindergarten class. Now I realize this probably won't be posted but having done a little blogging myself I know you have to read it.
Have fun censoring, it gives you a feeling of being in charge of something I suppose...*grin*


9/09/2008 5:58 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

You've obviously not been reading your own comments then...

9/09/2008 7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your attempt to keep the discussion at a level above the gutter.

9/10/2008 4:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dearest grimble...

I don't put my comments on here for me to read. I put them on here for others to read.
That is the point behind all this blogging/commenting right?
If what I say gives anyone gas that is their problem. Try bean-o!


9/10/2008 10:13 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Beon-o allows people to ignore double-standards? Wowee, must be popular with elephants...

9/11/2008 2:12 AM  

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