U.S. Transfers 12,000 American Troops to NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (NATO-ISAF)
NATO will take command of 12 additional Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs), bringing the total number of NATO-led PRTs to 25.
The number of troops under NATO command will increase from the current 20,000 to over 30,000.
Most of these forces are already in place in Afghanistan. They will be transferred to NATO command once the Activation Order is issued by General Jones.
The NATO site doesn't give the specifics. However, I transcribed a part of yesterday's news conference led by the NATO Secretary General regarding the Informal Meeting of the NATO Defence Ministers in Slovenia.
Most importantly, we have decided to go into what we call Phase 4 of the expansion of ISAF into the East, which will bring 12,000-plus U.S. forces...including what we call in our jargon "enables" (sp?)– that is support on the ground, support in the air...into ISAF. I think that’s a very important decision [and I think it is important] and I’m grateful [for that] that the United States has decided to bring its forces into ISAF.
In other words, George "we don't need no stinkin' UN" Bush has now allowed NATO - which is a short step away from the UN - to TAKE COMMAND OF OUR TROOPS!!!!!
Other than a brief mention of this on the Ed Schulz Show yesterday and today, I have seen NOTHING about this in the press.
That's not a surprise, since Bush has got to want to keep this quiet. However, I've not seen this addressed in the Liberal blogosphere. I'm not sure 'why...I can't imagine that we need more corroboration than the official NATO website.