Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis: Some of the Junk in Hillary's Trunk

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Some of the Junk in Hillary's Trunk

So John at Americablog mentioned Hillary's baggage and linked to this cute-and-true video based on the Black-Eyed Peas song:

So I decided to make it a regular feature to present some of the "baggage" that Sen. Clinton claims has been "vetted."

This doesn't mean that I support any of the accusations. My job will be merely to throw it out there to show the kind of things the Right-Wing will present if she were to miraculously become the nominee.

I'll especially focus on the stuff that has been kept relatively quiet, even though it may look like it has the potential to be credible.

I'll start with the case of Peter Paul and his lawsuit against the Clintons, which is presently moving through the California Courts. You can keep up with his take on the progress of the lawsuit as well as his analysis of Hillary's campaign at PETER PAUL'S BLOG.




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