Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis: Soon, I will have my OWN copy...oh yes, very soon!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Soon, I will have my OWN copy...oh yes, very soon!

In several hours, we'll be heading out to the more-reasonably-scheduled Potter party at my favorite Anchorage bookstore, Title Wave. I'll finally have my book! *rubs her hands together*

I love Title Wave! It's a huge used bookstore that also has the best selection of new books around (they beat the evil Barnes and Noble hands-down). Their clientele is also a lot more eclectic and much less "yuppyish." The store itself, though large, feels cozy and a great touch is that they have a whole shelf of the "staff favorites." Each individual section has the name of a staff member artfully designed and attached to the shelf so that you can see what books that person reads. It's great for the customers because you can find someone that seems to have your tastes and then see what other books they have read.

Anyway, they are having kind of a "counter-party" to the Barnes and Noble midnight ones at 1:00 pm today - much more reasonable for those of us with kids (who are able to curb our "instant gratification" anyway) *grins at Monocot*

Read the piece that Mono wrote below about her "midnight madness" experiences. Don't expect that she'll write anything today - I'm sure she'll be reading the whole time!


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