Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis: Meeting cancelled between Obama and Edwards

Monday, February 11, 2008

Meeting cancelled between Obama and Edwards


"ABC News' Sunlen Miller Reports: An in-person meeting schedule for tonight between Senator Barack Obama and former Senator John Edwards in North Carolina has been rescheduled, the Obama campaign confirms.

The two were intended to meet in North Carolina, Edwards’s home state, after Obama’s last campaign event of the day wrapped up in Baltimore."
While I can completely understand that they might want to reschedule the meeting quietly, I also wonder if the wildfires in Virginia, North and South Carolina had a roll to play:

"The high winds and wildfires caused both Democratic presidential hopefuls -- Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama -- to cancel appearances scheduled in Roanoke, Virginia. Virginia's presidential primaries are on Tuesday."
I truly hope that Edwards gets on board with Obama. I believe that their philosophies are a much better fit than Edwards/Clinton. Besides, I think that most Edwards supporters (like me) already took their vote to Obama and truly wish to see the two of them on a Democratic ticket. I think that would make Obama even harder to beat!


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