Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis: 22 days until Election 2006: What can I do to help bring about change?

Monday, October 16, 2006

22 days until Election 2006: What can I do to help bring about change?

I was listening this morning to the local talk radio show "KUDO In the Morning" on Alaska's only Progressive Talk Radio station, KUDO 1080 and they had well-known advocate for non-violence Kathy Kelly on the program. Hearing her perspective from her trips to Iraq made me wish that we could hear more voices like hers in a national forum.

But that would mean the mainstream media would have to go along...*sigh*...

During the interview, co-host Jennifer Summers expressed a frustration common to many Progressives - especially those of us wayyyyy up here in Conservative Alaska. Since most of us can't quit our jobs and fly overseas to provide hands-on help, how can we truly effect change in the world?

Kathy's answer was simple - write letters, make phone calls...help change the make-up of the Congress in the upcoming election.

As it happens, John at Americablog has given us a way to do just that on a National level by aiding MoveOn.org:

MoveOn's campaign to win Congress

The November election is our best opportunity in years to change the direction of our country. We can end Republican control in Washington if we get progressives in key districts to come out and vote.

That's why we've launched Call for Change, one of the largest volunteer phonebanking efforts in American history. MoveOn members will make more than 5 million phone calls to voters in 30 highly competitive House districts plus key Senate races.

This works! We tested this program in a special election in April, and our calls boosted voter turnout more than any volunteer phonebank ever studied. MoveOn members also made 77,000 calls to put Ned Lamont over the top in the recent Conecticut Senate primary.

Now, if we all pitch in, we're going to win back Congress.

The calls are to fellow-Progressives who have spotty voting records, so MoveOn wants to spur them out to the polls in the "battleground" states.

I signed up and started doing it today.

The time commitment is minimal - 1 hour a week until 4 days before the election. Then, it's one hour a day up and 2 hours on Election Day.

Also, MoveOn has made the whole process incredibly easy - just sit at your computer with your phone (or your headset if you are using a web-based calling program like Skype), read from the script and push the buttons. The rest is automatic.

I've already started doing this and it's great fun, especially since most of the people you are calling are fellow-Progressives!

There are also places offering voter-education materials to help clarify the issues and Progressive stances. One of my favorites is Sojourners, an excellent place for Progressives of Faith to find like-minded souls. Jim Wallis, author of "God's Politics," and other members of his organization put together voter's guides and other election resources contradicting the Neo-Con version of Christianity. These materials provide excellent material for Church Leaders who disagree with the right-wing extremists but may be unsure of a good way to present those views.

I highly recommend the book, by the way.

I hope this provides some information that folks will use to help change our political landscape.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heres another site that has ideas for getting involved

10/29/2006 5:47 PM  
Blogger Contribute Your Input said...

Hi..I'm a long-term blogger, got a couple of web sites, mainly focus on national issues.

I'm looking for one person in the State of Alaska to spend one day at the Secretary of State's office and do one thing and I'm writing to encourage someone doing that. (I'm actually looking for such a person in seven states.)

Your question, "How can we truly effect change in the word," has also been a life-time question to me.

The answers you got from Kathy and MoveOn.org hit the nail on the head.

My idea, starting petitions for Recall Elections against seven Republican governors is something extra, something we can do now to continue working against Bush-Republican policies, something one single individual can start by themselves, something that will not just make long-term national news but something that will impact upon national policy.

There are only seven states where this can be done:



Would this make news?
Big Time

Would this have a real impact on political policy?
For sure.

Can this be started by anyone with ten-cents in their pocket?
As long as they have the gas to get to the Secretary of States office.

What if they mess up?
Someone else can re-start it the next day.

Complete details about this idea (part of a 3-part plan) you can check out the web page, at: http://www.americancitizenstogether.org/ACT/RecallDriveCampaign.html

Talk it over with some of your friends.

Let me know what you think, ok? If you can't do this yourself or none of the activist you know can do it, who do you think I should contact in the State of Alaska?

Barry F. Keaveney

P.S, -- I have five kids. They are, alas, not perfect little carbon-copies of me and their mom. We see some of ourselves in them but they go their own way. They are their own unique individuals and, the cool thing, once we realized we had no choice about this, is they each bring a new set of adventures and associates into our lives.

That's my 2-cents about that.

3/03/2007 9:46 AM  

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